2025 KCRC Queen
Equine Partner: “Petrie”
2025 KCRC Aide to the Queen
Equine Partner: “Jagger”
2025 KCRC Princess
Equine Partner: “Tiz”
Introductory Information
Being part of Royalty is a fun and exciting way to be involved with Kit Carson Riding Club. Royalty provides opportunities to meet new people, engage in fun activities, develop life skills, and be an ambassador for our club.
Serving as Royalty is a one-year commitment, running January 1st through December 31st. Each fall, KCRC hosts a Royalty contest where participants are judged on horsemanship, public speaking and interview skills.
There are three Royalty positions, with age determined as of January 1st of the year of reign:
Queen: age 14 to 18
Aide to the Queen: age 14 to 18
Princess: age 9 to 13
All contestants must be members in good standing. All eligible members are welcome and encouraged to participate.
Check out the KCRC Calendar, Snubbin’ Post, Facebook posts, and e-blasts for Royalty activities or email for further information.

The Royalty Horse
- Participate in the annual Royalty selection contest.
- Perform the Grand Entry for gymkhanas and other events.
- Lead parades that KCRC participates in.
In addition, KCRC Royalty is invited to attend events with royalty from other equine organizations, such as the EL Paso County Fair and the Elizabeth Stampede Rodeo. These events include riding and non-riding activities. Although it is not required to have a horse to participate in these events, having one will enhance your royalty experience.
Parents' Perspectives
Royalty: A Mom's Perspective
Having little exposure to the KCRC Royalty program before my daughter tried out for Princess, I didn’t really know what to expect. What I will say is that it is a pretty big commitment for parents and Royalty alike (time, energy, financial), but the pros far outweigh the cons. The Royalty experience is full of opportunities both in and outside of KCRC (outside events are optional, but strongly encouraged). The relationships built with other Royalty programs and intrinsic rewards are endless. Serving as an ambassador for KCRC is an honor—and the role is fully supported by the KCRC Board of Directors. There are many early mornings, long days, late nights, frustrating hair and makeup challenges and outfit requirements, but all things considered, it’s an incredibly rewarding experience.
Pam Martens
Mom to Annika, 2024 KCRC Princess

The Role of the Parents
The most important role you can play as a parent to royalty is supporting your daughter at all times. They are going to be exposed to new and challenging scenarios and it will take an incredible amount of support and patience from you to help them succeed.
You and the coordinator will work closely to manage and establish a schedule. One thing I have enjoyed is being able to teach my daughter makeup and hair skills while we both have a common goal in mind. When you are representing Kit Carson it is your responsibility to get your daughter to the event and be with them at all times.
The parents also helps with different KCRC royalty functions that royalty put on at the club. This is a great way for you to connect with your daughter and give back to KCRC.
This is an incredible opportunity for your daughter to grow and learn different life skills. Speaking from experience, my daughter has grown so much through all the opportunities she has been a part of with KCRC royalty. She has gained confidence in speaking in front of large groups of people and riding in full arenas. Being part of this program has taught her how to be brave and courageous to overcome challenges while being in the spot light. This is an opportunity I would recommend to anybody regardless of how shy or outgoing your daughter is.
Please feel free to reach out to the Royalty Coordinator or any Royalty member. We would love to answer any questions you may have.
Cathy Swanson
Royalty Support Crew and mom to Georgia, 2024 KCRC Queen